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June 16, 2022

What’s New in Orchestry (June 2022)

We are always working on new features and improvements to the Orchestry platform to make sure that our customers are getting more and more value from Orchestry. This month we want to share some new amazing features, great improvements, and a bunch of pesky bugs that we have squashed!

What's New Orchestry June

Ahead of our next major feature release dedicated to Guest Management, we’ve been hard at work refining and enhancing the Orchestry experience to improve navigation of the Workspace Directory, increase the ways metadata can be applied to Workspace Templates, two new powerful Lifecycle Insights (Content Breakdown and Workspace Customization) as well as a number of back-end improvements which optimize the platform for large data sets and bulk actions.

Support for Teams Education Templates

Orchestry now has additional capabilities for customers that are running in an education setting including support for the EDU templates, static provisioning of Class, Professional Learning Committee and Staff templates and enhanced capabilities for Live Templates for Education (EDU).

The new capabilities that we are shipping are:

  • You can now enable EDU features on an EDU tenant
  • Support for the 4 static EDU templates including:
    • Professional Learning Community (PLC)
    • Class
    • Staff
    • Other
  • Support for Live Templates based on the EDU templates

Static Templates

If you have the EDU features enabled, you can now also have static templates based on the out-of-the-box EDU customized teams.

Teams Education Team Template Type

Simply go to your Workspace Template, choose Team and you will see a new option appearing called Team Specialization. Choose from the list in order to provision one of the four options above:

Teams Education Team Type

Live Templates

Live Templates are one of the most powerful capabilities of Orchestry and with this new release, you can now also base Live Templates on the EDU templates above with a couple of limitations. These limitations really apply to the Class Template because Microsoft made this different than every other type of template that exists in Teams.

Teams Education Team Workspace

New Insight Report: Workspace Customizations

A brand-new Insight Report is now available called the Workspace Customizations report. Now you can easily see any additional customizations that you have made to Workspaces including additional Channels, Tabs, Libraries, Lists, Pages and if the homepage has been customized.

For many organizations understanding if users are just creating Teams and dumping a bunch of documents in the library or are they actually adding lists, libraries and other features is the key to understanding adoption. The Workspace Customization report can help you determine just that and is invaluable to understanding the real usage and adoption of M365 in your organization.

Workspace Customizations Report

New Insight Report: Content Breakdown

The Content Breakdown report helps you understand what content exists in your Workspaces including documents, pages, list items and group conversations.

A great way to understand adoption is to understand the content that resides within and our powerful Content Breakdown report can help you do just that. Give it a go and you will be amazed by the results.

Workspace Content Report

Rich Text Support in Lifecycle Notifications

One of our top requested features has been to add Rich Text Support to various configurable text sections within Orchestry. Last month we rolled this out to Notifications, allowing (check out last month’s update) administrators to customize the footer within email notifications to include custom imagery, text and formatting.

This month, we are rolling out similar functionality to other areas of the platform such as the Archival Policy Notifications. From within the configuration for individual policies, the approval notification text can now be formatted with rich text including headings, bolding, underlining, and hyperlinking.
Rich Text Support in Orchestry Notifications

Display when a Retention Policy is blocking Orchestry Lifecycle Features

Many customers use retention policies to stop the deletion of content in SharePoint. We want our customers to be aware of exactly what is happening in their environment so now Orchestry is smart enough to let you know if a retention policy will stop any functions.

Archival Policy Blocking Orchestry Features


As always we continue to update, iterate and create amazing value for our customers. If you are interested in taking a closer look at Orchestry then please get in touch. We would love to hear from you 🙂

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